(1) Don't waste your energy with it
(2) At the same time, there is a increase in the efficiency with which energy is converted to heat.
(3) A collision in which no energy is transferred
(4) What I was about to do would require a lot of energy , stamina, and vocal power.
(5) These convert infrared, ultraviolet and visible light into energy at a higher efficiency.
(6) Why not have a look at the real solutions such as renewable power sources and better energy efficiency?
(7) Diane would have made me go anyway, and I didn't posses enough mental or physical energy to put up a fight.
(8) Commentators explained that this gave them instant and sustained energy .
(9) If you think there is no way of having the energy and strength you desire, think again.
(10) The main modifiable factors affecting energy balance are dietary energy intake and energy expended through physical activity.
(11) That means that regardless of how much energy the electron has, it could never hope to be able to exit the box.
(12) Their strategy was for the first round to rely heavily on nuclear electricity and energy efficiency.
(13) I'm really looking forward to working in London - so much energy and activity on the doorstep.
(14) I'm delighted that our local communities and voluntary groups are taking the lead on renewable energy for lighting and heating.
(16) Why is that electrons radiate electromagnetic energy when they are accelerated?
(17) At first, the program focused mainly on the use of nuclear energy for power generation.
(18) Wood provided needed energy for heat, fuel, and cooking as well as for construction of houses, tools, furniture, and ships.
(19) These recharge 40 lithium batteries that provide the energy to power its two propellers.
(20) A man may want to do much, but he has only so much time, only so much mental and physical energy .