(1) The enemy aircraft were destroyed not only in the air but also on airfields.
(2) Surprise is to strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.
(3) The object of war is to destroy the enemy 's capability to make war.
(4) After all, as he explains at length in his book, these three things have a common enemy in risk aversion.
(5) Doing so will help us stay tactically sharp and be able to take the fight to the enemy .
(6) In other words he is a dangerous enemy and consequently a good man to have on one's side provided one can keep an eye on him.
(7) The enemy soldier fell to the ground with the arrow protruding from his back.
(8) The time to face the enemy had now come, he rallied his men into their battle formations.
(9) Routine is the enemy of art
(10) He has become the arch enemy of mankind.
(11) That means, he argues, that the West must learn new ways of detecting and combating the enemy .
(12) Increasingly U.S. troops are fighting the enemy on urban battlefields.
(13) He was relieved as he saw that his enemy would do no more harm to lives of the happily free.
(14) Through lies and misunderstanding this results in him becoming the sworn enemy of his own mother.
(15) Then the tank behind it apparently mistook an armored vehicle for the enemy and shot and destroyed it.
(16) This has been a traditional way of attacking the enemy since the days of Wellington.
(18) Part of my psyche is tuned to the belief that routine is the enemy of invention.
(19) Since the main part of the Jacobite army never engaged the enemy , losses were relatively light.
(20) The bulk of the infantry was kept back out of range of the enemy guns, ready to counter-attack.