গুণ দ্বারা ভূষিত করা, বুদ্ধি দ্বারা অলঙ্কৃত করা, বৃত্তি দেত্তয়া, যৌতুক দেত্তয়া
(1) Give qualities or abilities to.
(2) Furnish with an endowment.
(3) Give large gift.
(1) The Merck Endowment Fund is a permanently restricted net asset to endow the Rufus A. Lyman Award.
(2) Later he would endow this chair with his own money.
(3) He was instrumental in attracting funds to endow a visiting lectureship series and three professorships, the first such endowments in the College of Agriculture.
(4) The tensions within individuals and societies, within establishments and systems, endow writing with a sense of time, and in turn writing gives direction to the times.
(5) Towards the end of the 17th century, land was bequeathed by a certain John Kershaw to endow a school in Waterfoot.
(6) A basic purpose of higher education is to endow students with the knowledge and capacity to exercise responsible and independent judgment.
(7) Further, had he won, he intended to use the 200 000 leva prize money to endow a church and scholarships for gifted children.
(8) Board members and others in the community are raising funds to endow the center in his honor.
(9) At Adelaide, Henderson taught imperial and colonial history, and arranged for a local benefactor to endow a prize for work on South Australian history written from the original records.
(10) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I endow ordinary people with love and sincerity,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she said.
(11) He has given $50,000 in personal funds to endow two scholarships for students of disadvantaged backgrounds.
(12) The landowner would have a very big say in who was appointed to the various livings and would frequently endow the churches and provide running expenses.
(13) For the parent keen to endow their child with an educational edge, shared reading is an obvious stepping stone.
(14) The Mojave and Kiowa American Indian people believed dreams endowed supernatural abilities for fighting and hunting.
(15) He is a self-employed professor who endowed his own chair and granted himself tenure.
(16) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It endows the people, not the president, with the right to decide on military action,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she said.
(17) Democracy endows people with the right to decide their own future.
(18) They've had a chair endowed from outside funds.
(19) You have also been endowed with the ability to command and control.
(20) He had been an ardent supporter and endower of the Abbey and is fitting that he should be buried here.