(1) (philosophy.
(2) The application of empirical methods in any art or science.
(3) Medical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings.
(4) (philosophy) the doctrine that knowledge derives from experience.
(5) Induction.
(1) The central problematics of feminist empiricism can be captured in two apparent paradoxes.
(2) There were errors of interpretation in feminists' critiques, for example, concerning the extent to which analytic philosophy incorporated empiricism .
(3) Emerging in the eighteenth century, political economy drew on the individualism of Hobbes and Locke, the pragmatism of Machiavelli, and the empiricism of Bacon.
(4) The temporal delimitation suggests an arbitrary empiricism reluctant to address either the agony of contemporaneity, or the pathological prehistory of modernity.
(5) In this way his practice is closest to Aristotelian critical empiricism that requires careful observation and a comprehensive theory that will make those observations meaningful.
(6) Fernow played up a widely accepted historical dichotomy between European theory and British empiricism in science.
(7) Ryle's attitude to dispositions is part of the heritage of logical empiricism .
(8) He is however thoroughly within the tradition of British empiricism in philosophy.
(9) Yet habit is the linchpin for the philosophical way of thinking that James called radical empiricism , and later pragmatism.
(10) Empiricism certainly has a role to play, but it cannot be the empiricism of ivory tower academics, and it cannot be an exclusive role.
(11) For the Stoics were thorough-going empiricists and believed that sense-impressions lie at the foundation of all of our knowledge.
(12) David Hume, a leading 18th century empiricist philosopher famously said u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510one cannot derive an ought from an isu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(13) Locke, as a moderate empiricist , accepted that there were both material and immaterial substances.
(14) In this, as in much else, he was followed by generations of empiricist philosophers.
(15) The constructive empiricist position is that empirical adequacy suffices for the purpose of science.