সংশোধন করা
(1) Make improvements or corrections to.
(2) Correct.
(1) Many modern editions, including the Oxford, take the view that the novel in part derives from the play, and use it to emend the defective quarto text.
(2) It did not seem necessary to emend the satires (u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I Want a Writing Director,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb 1992; u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Initiation Rites, Initiation Rights,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb 1991) as long as the conditions they addressed hadn't changed-and alas, they hadn't.
(3) It is clear, however, that Mamet and Pinard's diagnosis of the protonodosariid wall as a microgranular tectum must be emended .
(4) Leslie emended the diagnosis of Belodina compressa, and provided detailed descriptions and discussion.
(5) They emended the description of Behuninia as a conifer short shoot (instead of a seed) and added three new species, B. provoensis, B. bassii, and B. scottii.
(6) A new genus, Ristedtoceras, is erected and the genus Pseudorthoceras Girty, 1911 is emended .
(7) It is our opinion that the taxa retained within the superfamily Glypheoidea may be incorporated into the infraorder Astacidea by emending the definition of the infraorder to include sub - to pseudochelate forms.
(8) One of these is u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Brettiau251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, generally taken to be Britain, but as the other places in the list are towns in Italy, it seems much more likely that the name is a textual error which should be emended to Bruttium, a town in southern Italy.
(9) But the work shall not be wholly lost: for it will, as he believed, appear once more, in a new and more perfect edition, corrected and emended by another author.
(10) The diagnosis is emended here to accommodate the additional apical rays noted in this study.
(11) The elements provisionally brought to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Leukorhinionu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb sp. in this report may also be referable to Leukorhinion if it were emended to include species with anteroposteriorly compressed elements.
(12) The following sentence offends in another way and requires the hand of the emender as much as any passage in the original Greek.
(13) Diels emended the sentence to say that Alcmaeon was u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510youngu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb in the old age of Pythagoras and a similar remark can be found in Iamblichus.
(14) Among all the functions related to the septal marginal fluting, the one suggested by Spath is emended and elaborated herein as the most reasonable one.
(15) As shown by Fryda and Blodgett, the shell characters of Alaskacirrus fit well with the diagnosis of the family Cirridae Cossmann, 1916, as emended by Bandel.
(16) They were a product of their times, and philosophy, like science, is emendable .
(17) The diagnosis is emended to include the internal nature of the processes, and the relationship of the processes to the vesicle interior.
(18) Within individual poems the meditative voice can operate dialectically, considering a position and then emending it, but the position of poems in sequence also constitutes a dialectic, an on-going conversation.
(19) Recognition of a separate gastroplitinid genus, Pseudogastroplites, is here maintained, but its diagnosis is emended .
(20) This arrangement was followed by Whittington in the Treatise, but was emended in 1963.