(1) An opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle
(2) An opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through
(1) A young woman sat in an embrasure on one of the highest parapets overlooking the moat of the castle.
(2) Then if each embrasure is exactly eleven bricks wide and each pier is exactly four bricks wide, these give dimensions very close to those obtained in the reconstructions.
(3) I propped the M16 on a sandbag in the embrasure in front of me and squinted through the scope.
(4) The other bank of the stream was open ground - a gentle slope topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loopholed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge.
(5) A wet shot is unignited fuel squirted through a window or embrasure ; a dry one is burning fuel.
(6) He endorsed the construction of works with high stone or brick walls, the guns arranged in multilevel tiers of internal chambers called casemates, and firing done through iron-shuttered embrasures piercing the facade.
(7) The enemy can be further confused if fake embrasures are painted onto walls using black paint, and if unoccupied buildings are made to look as if they have been prepared for defence.
(8) Guns usually stood on a flat terreplein, shooting over a wide earth parapet which was intended to absorb incoming fire, although they might also fire through splayed embrasures , or be housed in vaulted casemates on a lower storey.
(9) High fortress walls with embrasures surrounded the town.
(10) Standing opposite every city gate of old Beijing was an embrasured watchtower, an imposing and distinctive structure that added tremendously to the landscape of the city in old days.
(11) Abruptly he stops and slaps his hand against one of the mossy embrasures - the gaps in the turreted wall through which medieval archers would have shot at attacking armies.
(12) The British navy's first iron steamer, the Nemesis, drawing only six feet of water, went in beneath the angle of depression of the Chinese battery's guns and poured grape and canister straight through the embrasures .
(13) As estimated by the staff of the Joint Force, around two-thirds of losses were inflicted by snipers operating within such parties, who would fire from embrasures in basement walls, top-story windows and roofs.
(14) Six steps, alternately black and white, vertically elongated, extend up into the sky, the upper surfaces broken by slits that suggest embrasures .
(15) The three German seaward embrasured emplacements are partly built into and against the fort.
(16) It's got weapon embrasures on it, and it's made of white marble.