ক্ষুদ্র বানমাছ, বাচ্চা বানমাছ
(1) Young eel; may be sauteed or batter-fried.
(2) Young eel.
(3) May be sauteed or batter-fried.
(1) If the water is clear enough, try fly fishing for them with any fly that imitates something small and silvery like an elver or sand eel or small fish.
(2) In Cambray's freshwater fish surveys he met many farmers who have seen the little elvers and the large eels in their rivers and thought that the eels bred in the rivers.
(3) There was a serious shortage of elvers in 1969, since when elvers of the European species have been imported from France.
(4) Measures are now being taken to decrease the impact of fisheries on A. rostrata populations in the United States, such as more closely regulating harvesting of glass eels and elvers .
(5) Countries which used to buy mature eels from suppliers like Crowell are now buying elvers to raise and breed themselves.