(1) It will cost an estimated u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255165,000 to repair the fragile east window at All Saints parish church in Otley but churchgoers fear it may be lost unless the money is raised soon.
(2) Korca is a city located in the east of Albania close to the border of Greece.
(3) For example, populations in the wetter regions west of the Rocky Mountains are different than those in drier regions to the east .
(4) Over the next 24 hours, temperatures will rise no higher than 3 deg C but the chilly north east winds will make it feel more like minus 5 deg C.
(5) There is a trail beginning just to the east of the mini-rail.
(6) You know, Mojave is north and to the east of Los Angeles.
(7) We stood in the street looking east at the smoke.
(8) The mountain was actually directly to the east of Torat, which was an island.
(9) She comes from the east of Scotland
(10) Roads in the north of the county, particularly to the east of the A1, were worst affected and some needed to be cleared by snow ploughs.
(11) The clouds do start early and there is a strong east wind so it is confusing thinking about how to handle the task.
(12) In the past the water discoloured after three days of the east wind blowing.
(13) It was believed that the east window of the church dated back to the Reformation period.
(14) What follows is the account of a boy living in a rural east Texas town.
(15) At Dolly's Restaurant on the east edge of town, the shift manager was hoping the news wasn't true.
(16) Driven by a penetrating east wind, it drifted until every hollow and depression was filled and the landscape assumed the appearance of a vast white prairie.
(17) Strong east winds to near tropical storm force have pushed water up to four to six feet above normal levels there.
(18) However, outside of Africa, the major regions of Europe, east Asia, and the Americas exhibit three different patterns.
(19) The B.C. Forest Service has begun granting private companies logging rights for areas of the Blue Mountain region along the east shore of Alouette Lake.
(20) On the east side of it