(1) It doesn't feel like it did half an hour ago, before we found the pile of dung , shafts of light coming through the spaces between maples and conifers and filtered sun dappling the ground.
(2) A large proportion of developing country households rely on biomass fuels such as wood, animal dung and crop residues for cooking and heating.
(3) Farmyard manure is prepared from dung, yet about 60 to 70 per cent of dung is used as fuel in rural areas.
(4) Another flash of lightning lit the cave with something that was not quite daylight, and he saw the remains of a fire pit, with a stack of desiccated animal dung next to it.
(5) Muck in the seventeenth century meant, unequivocally, animal dung .
(6) Round huts called mundals are made from poles and brush or vines plastered with mud, animal dung , and ashes and covered with a broad, cone-shaped thatched roof.
(7) Animal dung , still used as fertilizer, was piled up in the Sicilian streets awaiting use.
(8) Tell him the cigarette he puffed is made up of animal dung .
(9) Studies of the preserved dung and animal remains are beginning to provide insight into large mammal paleobiology and community development during the Holocene.
(10) A freezer filled with carefully labeled seeds, leaves and animal dung sits next to a cooler filled with beer.
(11) Even insects may visit locally concentrated sources of ions like brackish seeps or the urine and dung of larger animals.
(12) The town, without electricity, running water or toilets, is a mud track through the desert with crumbling wooden houses held together by straw and animal dung .
(13) It contains particles from fires set to clear jungles for farming, and from the millions of households that burn coal, wood or animal dung for heating and cooking.
(14) The scent of dung from the nearby manure pile also makes it difficult to breathe.
(15) They also provide dung for manure and fuel, and they pull ploughs and carts.
(16) Alas, the weather was colder than usual, the seeds lay dormant and even the miraculous properties of mountains of animal dung failed to stimulate the fabled meadow.
(17) But I do wear fragrance every day - it helps mask the smell of dung from mucking out the pony.
(18) But mountain streams aren't as pristine as people think - they're filled with animal dung and all sorts of bottom-feeding microorganisms.
(19) The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung , neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).
(20) High food ration males were provided with a constant supply of fresh cow dung, and low food ration males were provided no dung but only moist sand.