(1) For an acute burn which will be referred to a burn centre, cling film is an ideal dressing as it protects the wound, reduces heat and evaporative losses, and does not alter the wound appearance.
(2) More recently, it was used in both world wars as an oral medicine for battlefield infections and as a wound dressing .
(3) The wound is covered with a sterile dressing , and the surgeon or nurse will tell you how to look after it until it's healed.
(4) A heavier than normal fertilizer dressing should be applied on paddocks that didn't receive nitrogen after the last grazing.
(6) I'll be enjoying tomorrow with my family, eating way too much turkey and dressing , along with some fine sides and desserts.
(7) Turkey with apple dressing
(8) Start turkey and dressing five hours before you expect to serve dinner.
(9) My ground was prepared exactly the same for both, same amount of stable manure, everything except the side dressing of Nitrate of Soda on one and not on the other.
(10) Heavy feeders, sunflowers appreciate a side dressing of compost or fertilizer during the growing season.
(11) It is important to ensure that the dressing is rubbed well into the fabric, and not allowed to remain thickly on the surface.
(12) Stitches will hold it in place and, after covering the wound with a dressing , he can go back to work.
(13) Often, the wound will be covered with a dressing but left open to heal, especially if it is more than 6 hours old, as this is the best way to prevent infection.
(14) My task is the opposite of the big hammer approach - sweeping, cleaning, and applying autumn dressing and mulches to those plants that need it.
(16) An antiseptic dressing
(17) A dressing of blood, fish, and bone
(18) Sprinkle each salad lightly with dressing
(19) Make sure if you have open or infected wounds that these are kept covered with a waterproof dressing .
(20) A light dressing of fertiliser in the middle of April will help to get the lawn going.