(1) She wore a long dark blue and light blue striped collared dress with short sleeves.
(2) Some offices are dressing up their u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510business casualu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb policies and returning to traditional business dress .
(3) The government men stepped off, in military dress uniforms, each with a large group of ribbons on the left chest over the olive drab fabric.
(4) Officers complained that it was extremely difficult to keep the full dress uniform presentable, since the lace dirtied the white cloth, and the brimstone used to dress the cloth damaged the lace.
(5) She was starting to feel out of place in her dress slacks and matching jacket.
(6) All of the women wear traditional dress : long flowing skirts, heavily embroidered waistcoats and embroidered hats with a rosette on the right side.
(7) And Suzy has to wear a bridesmaid dress the like of which has not been seen since 1983.
(8) The one thing you know about every single female character in Weiner's books is what dress size she wears.
(9) He was unable to dress himself
(10) He will be remembered for his elegance of dress (nothing but Savile Row would do).
(11) She doesn't dress flamboyantly, instead wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.
(12) For these women it was customary to apply cosmetics and to dress their hair in the morning.
(13) Traditional African dress
(14) However, it still requested smart dress , hats optional for women and jacket, collar and tie for men.
(15) An array of items erases traditional distinctions between evening dress and daywear.
(16) Dress the salad with vinaigrette
(17) The mourners came in traditional dress - frock coats, top hats and bowlers.
(18) Each form of dress carries with it historical associations of domination, colonialism, oppression, resistance.
(19) Adorned in pristine Air Force dress uniforms and spit-shined shoes, they are the epitome of professionalism.
(20) Tearful colleagues in dress uniform formed a guard of honour for the funeral at the church in Todmorden Road yesterday.