(1) I made a cup of coffee instead and quietly surfed through my daily blogs until that feeling of dread and apprehension began to fade.
(2) We still suggest woolen hoods for the Fourth of July picnics, but you can open a window now without fear of dread contagion.
(3) My stomach was a tight knot of dread , fear and something very close to the child-like terror I used to feel for the dark.
(4) Medicine had conquered the dread infectious diseases that once cut swathes through entire populations.
(5) Don't even think for a minute that the Rastafarians are only in the business of making mats and broomsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac you ever see a fat dread yet?
(6) I would dread to think that a scene such as the one I witnessed at the age of twelve could happen in a playground now.
(7) Religion then consists in obeisance to these larger forces, to overcome our fear and dread of the future.
(8) Terror is an aggravated form of fear: intense fear, fright or dread .
(9) I thought it was her nature, but when she got over the dread disease she had brought into the homeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac her true nature came out.
(10) Somehow I think that if there was a war on, this dread disease could be cured with remarkable ease.
(11) However, when he arrived he had the dread symptoms of the disease.
(12) However each disorder is bonded to the other disorders by the common theme of excessive, irrational fear and dread .
(13) If you're ready to live like a hermit for a while, you'll probably not be unlucky enough to catch the dread disease before it becomes widely known.
(14) We dread to think what the punishment for u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510breakingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb this law will be.
(15) While the world has been saved from epidemics of dread diseases, some of today's children are being sacrificed.
(16) Minorities, be they linguistic or religious, dread the assimilation as much as they fear exclusion.
(17) We, as outsiders, do not know if they fought over this, if tears were shed, if threats were made, if their nights were filled with worry and dread .
(18) This knowledge filled her with dread and excitement, fear and anticipation.
(19) Immigration officers fill me with fear and dread .
(20) He met the prognosis head on - and won his fight against the dread disease.