(1) Not airtight
(1) Replacing draughty windows with double-glazed units will save money.
(2) Of the new money, $1.2 million is going towards retrofitting cold, draughty , damp houses, and I strongly support that.
(3) It was a cold day, the room was draughty and Isabella's condition took a serious turn.
(4) To me, a cold chill in one corner of a spooky house is a draughty window, not the spirit of someone's dead great, great, great aunt come back to haunt the living.
(5) Inevitably, there are many that are distinctly uncomfortable, old and draughty .
(6) One of the most remarkable things about Britain - now as well as then - is its incredibly well-developed network of live music clubs, mostly in back rooms in pubs or draughty town halls.
(7) This evening I discovered that window seats are draughty , so taped up all the hinges and gaps I could find.
(8) The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
(9) Thanks to its basting heat, any old pocket of draughty pavement can now boast a rickety table and chairs.
(10) The tenants raised a few minor issues specific to their homes that they would like to improve including fencing and draughty windows.
(11) The audiences are prepared to put up with draughty village halls, broken strings, buzzing PA gear and all the other imperfections that seem to make the evenings exciting.
(12) The worst category was found to be two-bedroom properties, mostly flats, in which the average number of faults, such as draughty windows, leaky showers and shoddy electrics, was double that in England and Wales.
(13) Patchy repairs: u2018If windows are draughty , leave them alone - people will know they have to be replaced.u2019
(14) Barbara said residents suffered draughty and leaking windows which were difficult for elderly and disabled people to open and close.
(15) You can rearrange your furniture so that you move it away from drafty areas and closer to the fireplace.
(16) In the center of the drafty room, the six men who had arrived that evening sat on stools around a large table.
(17) However, avoid placing plants near drafty doors, uninsulated windows, and heat sources.
(18) Avoid placing them in a drafty area or their flower buds may drop before they have a chance to open.
(19) Our home is about three years old, and we've had drafty windows since it was built.
(20) Install tight-fitting, insulating window shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
(21) I was born into a drafty farm house in the corn country of Iowa - protected each winter by a row of straw bales set two layers high.
(22) Likewise, avoid things - such as fans, doors, drafty windows - which might draw smoke away from the unit.
(23) Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don't place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway.
(24) The badge was placed on a flat surface within the child's breathing range, and drafty space was avoided.
(25) Every house was full of flaws - leaky rooves, drafty rooms and saggy floors - and memories.
(26) The candelabra had gone out several minutes ago, due to the drafty nature of the tunnels.
(27) He figured it must've come from the draftiness of the jail cell.
(28) If by air walls they mean uninsulated, drafty windows then, yes.
(29) Everywhere love is breathing draftily like a doorway linking 53rd with 54th.
(30) In the basement below his house it was drafty and cold.