ভীমরতিগ্রস্ত বৃদ্ধ
(1) An oldster in his dotage; someone whose age has impaired his intellect
(2) An oldster in his dotage
(3) Someone whose age has impaired his intellect
(1) But his would-be debonair, self-satisfied yet insecure dotard could not be more appropriately laughable or pitiful.
(2) Some people, including some opponents, seem to feel that this malevolent dotard was, somewhere, innocent of proper thought and responsibility.
(3) Which, unfortunately, the wilting dotards are too frightened to do themselves.
(4) He wants to reform the impossibly cliquey party, long ruled by smug dotards who have turned political nest-feathering into a national art-form to rival ikebana and origami.
(5) In Laputa Gulliver finds the wise men so wrapped up in their speculations as to be utter dotards in practical affairs.