(1) That is when the state takes dominion over the highways, treating them as their own.
(2) There's no sign that any monarch would have recognised the concept, given that throughout history they'd a habit of claiming dominion over many nations.
(3) By the time Orwell returned to England in 1927 he had a hatred not just of colonialism, but of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510every form of man's dominion over manu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(4) Such dominion , already established with the water mill and other mechanisations, became part of the perspective of the new intellectuals.
(5) Traditions teach us that we should have dominion over nature, and not be a part of nature.
(6) We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees.
(7) Humans can labour with their hands and brains, can plan and develop productive techniques, and have amassed centuries of culture and knowledge that have enabled them to control and hold dominion over the rest of nature.
(8) You grit your teeth in pride as the machine roars to terrible life, proclaiming your dominion over all who dare to get in your way.
(9) It identifies the restoration of dominion over the powers in the new humanity.
(10) Expectations that wild animals be seen and not heard, that they not get too close, reveal that we still believe we hold dominion over animals and nature.
(11) To consider work and the worker in the light of humanity's dominion over the earth goes to the very heart of the ethical and social question.
(12) All activities by which we shape and maintain our world, in all of its many complexities, also are an expression of the power of dominion over the world.
(13) But of course, not everything in the garden is lovely, and there are times when nature's dominion over the humble gardener can be infuriating.
(14) The cells reduced all other species to near elimination, and established dominion over the corporeal plane of the entity.
(15) From public schools to elementary schools, the history of the empire was still little taught, while for most young people Empire Day meant an extra holiday rather than a commitment to dominion over palm and pine.
(16) Man's attempt to establish dominion over nature
(17) In truth they are animated by nothing but their own lust for power and their desire for dominion over others.
(18) To further empower corporate dominion over nation-states, it gives private corporations and investors u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510legal standingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb to sue sovereign governments.
(19) The revisionists' dominion over the domestic side of Cold War history has been even more total.
(20) Those who advocate corporate dominion over broadband services dismiss the notion that consumer choice will be curtailed.