শাসন করা
(1) Rule or exercise power over (somebody
(2) Rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner
(3) Oppress; assume authority
(1) She said he was domineering and had persuaded her to go.
(2) My husband wasn't in the least bit domineering but he was a strong man so there was no need for me to worry about bill-paying or problems.
(3) The male had to be domineering , imposing, and always taking the initiative.
(4) Remember to keep the desired feature in scale with the rest of your space - you don't want it to be too domineering .
(5) Ruthless, clinical and forever domineering they haunt a team who just can't make that final breakthrough.
(6) We all love it when he plays a scene big because he's wickedly good at it, hilarious and domineering .
(7) I smiled domineeringly at him.
(8) She let her career overtake the relationship, and she's become too controlling and domineering .
(9) Every single instrument fed through the sound desk takes its turn at being either domineeringly loud or practically inaudible.
(10) You also tend to take a know-it-all attitude and to be domineering , which others feel and resent.
(11) She was domineering , cold, bitter and demanding, and was often called a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510tyrant.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) She has told the court her mother was difficult, domineering and physically and verbally abusive towards her.
(13) Considering that his production style is as domineering as it is remarkable, this is no easy feat.
(14) He was a crablike manoeuvrer, crafty and unreliable, domineering towards followers, ruthless towards rivals.
(15) I clapped my hands domineeringly together as I hopped out of the booth.
(16) That's not a good base for a lasting and healthy relationship, and you're right, it's domineering .
(17) How was it she could appear to be so domineering when she wanted to?
(18) The tiger again looked so powerful, so domineering , and so strong.
(19) All she wanted was him to be more domineering .
(20) Hard and domineering , Henry could be ruthless and cruel.
push around/about
order about/around
lord it over
dictate to
be overbearing
have under one's thumb
rule with a rod of iron
boss about/around
walk all over