(1) State as a dogma
(2) Speak dogmatically
(1) Just look at how education policy has become dogmatised in the UK.
(2) Rolston wishes to break with a dogmatized Darwinism, recasting culture as indeed rooted in biology but, more important, transcending it.
(3) So I should say we have hope because we know nothing and we should not dogmatise it at all.
(4) This is notably true before the emergence in his poetry of the dogmatising tones that mar some of the poems that follow The Waste Land.
(5) Wouldn't we in effect be dogmatizing party politics?
(6) The intellectualist wants to stay and contemplate the burning bush, to draw it to size, to define its properties, to dogmatise its meaning and to describe the distance at which presence to or from it becomes either a mortal or a venial sin.
(7) My opinion is that no issue, even those surrounding the holocaust, should be so dogmatised that meaningful debate becomes impossible.
(8) In the 1930s, the proposition concerning the absolute primacy of politics was overly dogmatized , and this still continues to make itself felt.
(9) But to dismiss them without scientific inquiry would be to dogmatise science, and label as heresy any challenge thrown at it.