(1) Relating to or involving or preoccupied with doctrine
(1) This could be seen as an attempt to influence the doctrinal development of the common law.
(2) This is a very important doctrinal change which concerns divorce and remarriage.
(3) It seems that doctrinal conservatism, combined with modern techniques in evangelism, is the key to success here.
(4) This is a real doctrinal issue that's being fought right now in the Pentagon.
(5) There were also doctrinal disputes, and arguments over the nature of papal authority.
(6) The doctrinal studies are concerned with establishing laws by proving them, some on the basis of others.
(7) He was certainly no British doctrinal conservative, looking to God, natural law, loyalty and duty.
(8) The errors needed correcting, and besides, this was no time for doctrinal disputes!
(9) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It is not for a secular newspaper to comment on the doctrinal disputes of any religious faithu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(10) I hear that there is a crisis of biblical and doctrinal authority in the churches.
(11) The doctrinal orthodoxy of the day was McCarthyism in its final, decaying phase.
(12) We hope we can be agreeable and not ever become disagreeable in talking about doctrinal matters.
(13) But then he grew old and ill, and as he declined his doctrinal conservatism seemed to come more and more to the forefront.
(14) The reason something can be said to be right or wrong is because the Bible has laid out before us a moral and doctrinal standard that is clear.
(15) It was a clear case of contract law and of the doctrinal concerns and legal rights of the church's university.
(16) This is not simply a doctrinal dispute over what name God is to be called, it is a dispute of who God actually is.
(17) The first group can include doctrinal provisions that are common to states in a particular region.
(18) It is simply not possible to question the doctrinal orthodoxy of the men I profiled in that book.
(19) They considered a private relationship with God more important than doctrinal precision or correct forms of worship.
(20) This doctrinal move conveniently advanced Europe's acquisition of sovereignty over African territory.