(1) The insoluble dilemma of adolescence
(2) That, in our submission, gives rise to something of a logical dilemma .
(3) He was given two tough choices, a dilemma that he didn't wish to have.
(4) The struggle by peoples the world over to find a solution to an insoluble dilemma will continue ad infinitum.
(5) He wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den's dilemma in a nutshell
(6) A similar dilemma arises for those who condemn termination in any circumstances but support the death penalty.
(7) All the problems that humans encounter sets up a powerful dilemma : the choice between life and death.
(8) The dilemma of a choice between chaos and injustice is perhaps very real.
(9) The novel delves into the dilemma of the problems in keeping a secret that will hang over you for all of your life.
(10) His dilemma rests in the choice between telling a lie and losing his chance to marry the woman he loves.
(11) That he chose to open up about the dilemma between security and normality indicates rough times ahead.
(12) It's the ultimate dilemma for the indecisive: two women, attractive, intelligent, devoted.
(13) The people often face the dilemma of feeding themselves or their cattle
(14) The dilemma , like all ethical dilemmas, arose by virtue of a conflict between values.
(15) But in an age of mass-production, we have managed to turn shopping for a basic food into a complicated dilemma .
(16) They might finally confront the central dilemma of inadequate global demand versus the permanent overabundance of supply.
(17) He both convenes community and shatters its calcifications, creating the space for oracular truths to emerge while posing equally provocative dilemmas .
(18) We can understand the dilemmas and difficulties his characters face, but never truly feel them.
(19) Aligning the design of life and a sustaining culture with the human needs that brain science is beginning to reveal would, I think, have a profound impact on many of the most troubling social dilemmas we face.
(20) Democracy in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious country like India poses difficult problems and dilemmas not easy to resolve.