(1) This press consisted of a hand operated vertical pump which forced molten lead through a horizontal tube forming the die .
(2) I am left alone, to wake and guard, until the seven fires die , and the fire in the pit also goes out.
(3) Each set replaces a single die in a normal (with the predator dice) game of Bongo.
(4) So when you're level 3 instead of rolling 3 dice you roll 5 dice, or 1 die 5 times.
(5) This is because during your turn, you get to draw a card with a saying on it, roll a ten-sided die , and then act out a mood.
(6) Basically players each choose a team of 5 dice, and take turns throwing a die onto the table.
(7) So we changed the rule such that only the caller lost a single die on an exact bid and we've found that the game is far more enjoyable.
(8) After mounting the die to the wood, stamp the image onto a piece of text-weight paper and allow to dry.
(9) Each number rolled on the die corresponds to a specific category.
(10) Q. And when I make a die , I have to create it manually?
(11) The fire had begun to die down and Sei could fell the room growing colder.
(12) It's fairly easy to grind metal out of a die , but putting it back in presents a real problem.
(13) It was the first popular game where movement was not determined by a die roll.
(14) For example, we could record the sound of dice rolling, and play this sound while our die is rolling.
(15) If you're unlucky enough with the roll of the die , the game can be over even faster.
(16) For many dice games - in fact, most such games that I can think of - a six-sided die is sufficient.
(17) If the thermal path is poor, however, the temperature of the die and L1 device will be quite high.
(18) It was compared to a copper trial struck from the die , and carefully examined by several numismatic professionals.
(19) To include only a single die in a game that required rolling two or three at the same time would be astounding.
(20) In the sealing module, seal grids can be snapped in and out of the sealing-grid die to change the shape of the package seal.