(1) I wanted to devote more time to my family
(2) He's taken up freight delivery now that he has left the Army to devote his efforts to finding the gun runner.
(3) It is incumbent upon all Muslims to devote a proportion of their excess income to the support of religious and charitable works.
(4) He retired from the army in 1910 to devote his energies to the Boy Scout movement he had founded several years earlier.
(5) This man in his 40s, who wants to remain completely anonymous, hopes to be able to stop working, thanks to this sale, and realize an old dream: devoting himself to painting.
(6) The farmhouses were $80-100,000, and I didn't relish devoting our lives and cash we don't have to restoring them.
(7) After undergoing a second liver transplant himself, Pat is taking life a little easier and is devoting himself full-time to tending to his garden in between hospital check-ups.
(8) And the hostile army was devoted with dire execrations to the gods of war and of thunder.
(9) It showed us the plight of Pam, a 50-something still-attractive widow who, having raised at least one daughter, is now devoting her middle years to the care of her ageing mother, Olive.
(10) And the authority has praised Mr Hampson as a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510committed and devoted teacheru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb who worked tirelessly throughout the year.
(11) The priestesses and priests turning towards the setting sun, the dwelling of the infernal gods, devoted with curses the sacrilegious wretch.
(12) It needs about $100,000 a year to operate, and the few volunteers they have are devoting a disproportionate number of their hours to raising money, taking time away from what they want to be doing inside.
(13) The former slaves of Saint Domingue and Guadeloupe abandoned plantation toil whenever they could, instead devoting themselves to subsistence cultivation.
(14) The people who have trouble finding part time work are well-off women like me, in desireable careers, who want to keep their hand in while devoting themselves to raising their children.
(15) I also came to express my thanks to the artists who are devoting their time and talents to such a vital cause.
(16) Those over 35 suffered most from devoting their energies to family life while holding down a career - 90% said their relationship had been badly affected.
(17) Therefore, devoting substantial staff resources to training, organizing, leading, and sustaining family psychoeducation is seen as a luxury.
(18) Grady prefers to remain in stiflingly hot New York, devoting her summer to crossing social boundaries by conducting a secret liaison with Clyde Manzer, a working-class Jewish car park attendant some years her senior.
(19) Although conceptions about the subject have indeed evolved, there still remains a relatively close bond between young adults and their traditional morals of settling down and devoting themselves to a family life.
(20) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The best chef in the country told me I had a talent and that I could work in his restaurant any time,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Claire, who had been unsure about devoting her life to cooking until Ramsay sang her praises.