(1) All persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants and married women.
(2) To make things interesting, Damo suggested I devise a scoring system that awards points for certain achievements.
(3) Transfers of real property by inheritance or devise are not subject to the real estate excise tax.
(4) What is needed is for the industry to come together to devise a planned economy which benefits everyone, from owners to grooms, from racecourses to sponsors, from trainers to the bookmakers.
(5) The issue, however, is whether the language of the devise of the Somerset Estate can fairly be interpreted so as to include the rights under the s. 2 reverter.
(6) All the residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise , and bequeath to Earlham College.
(7) Granby had to devise a system to help the identification of the individual face and associate the first person to recognise it as the winner immediately.
(8) I proposed that an attempt be made to bring the two images closer and to devise mechanisms by which this rapprochement could be achieved.
(9) It surely can't be beyond the wit of 21st century man to devise swipecard systems that allow the identity of those receiving free meals to remain anonymous.
(10) Nor do you devise names for our real estate projects.
(11) How might we devise a system that offers students a second chance but that doesn't obfuscate reality or entice students to drop out?
(12) At the turn of the century, France produced most of the quality wine in the world, so it is no surprise that they were first to devise a system of protection.
(13) Most states now allow even inter vivos transfers and nearly all treat them as devisable by will.
(14) The Red Cross says it's devising new systems so that such fraud will be easier to detect in the future.
(15) An unknown proportion of the bequests of land in the Bedfordshire wills may refer to property which was devisable by custom: the Bedfordshire testators were not scrupulous about recording the tenure of the property they bequeathed.
(16) Other half interest is devisable by will or passes by succession under probate statutes.
(17) It follows from this that Loring, at the time of his death, had no devisable estate in the land, and that the heirs of his devisee cannot maintain this suit.
(18) An applicant's failure to give information as required by this section is a breach of his duty to the heirs and devisees but does not affect the validity of the probate.
(19) If a devisee fails to survive the testator and is a grandparent, a descendant of a grandparent, or a stepchild of either the testator or the donor of a power of appointment exercised by the testator's will, the following apply.
(20) A devise of property conveys all the estate of a devisor unless it appears by his will that he intended to convey a lesser estate.