(2) The traditional device is to terrify the population.
(3) Obviously, this a rhetorical device : a trope or some sort of shorthand for the linking of theory to practice.
(4) Instead, what we end up with is a parlor trick as plot device , a shockingly surreal way of keeping both husband and wife front and center in the storyline.
(6) The decorative device on the invitations
(7) He asks her to go to Hong Kong with him but she rejects his offer using the device of a card trick and both leave with regret.
(8) These told me that Lichtenstein's style defined his approach - he made it his own; it wasn't an affectation, a mere imitative device or clever trick.
(9) The other piece of equipment is a device called a hydrometer, which measures alcoholic strength.
(10) An incendiary device
(11) Her cave was stored with scrolls of strange device .
(12) Oh, and Scully had a kid who could move things around with his mind, a plot device I haven't seen since Bewitched.
(13) A dirty bomb is an explosive device manufactured to spread harmful radioactive material over a wide range.
(14) Writing a letter to a newspaper is a traditional device for signalling dissent
(15) Well it's a bomb, an explosive device , which has contained within it some radioactive material.
(16) Moore's method uses the axiomatic method as an instructional device .
(17) An inventive, engaging and meaningful use of the device of prosopopu00d4u00f6u255du251cu2524ia is a vibrant element of Prynne's poesis.
(18) He chose the Corbinian Bear as an heraldic device for his papal coat of arms.
(19) The device also aims to counter the Chancellor's plans of introducing a tax on extra bags left outside wheelie bins.
(20) Yet isn't prosopopeia a rhetorical device that is found, as a matter of course, in all poetry?