মূল্যহ্রাস করা
(1) Remove the value from; deprive of its value.
(2) Lower the value or quality of.
(3) Lose in value.
(4) Remove the value from.
(5) Deprive of its value.
(6) Depreciate.
(1) I wish to take issue with the recent erroneous and arrogant statements from hydro developers who seek to devalue the true worth of the Monadhliath Mountains to the nation.
(2) No one in a decision-making capacity would ever devalue their own worth.
(3) Institutions devalue human potential and minimize the contributions of individuals.
(4) I resent the way people seem to devalue my achievement
(5) Labour figures in the UK and Australia are at pains to devalue his electoral achievements - and point to several apparent errors of judgment during his career.
(6) But in celebrating genius we willy-nilly undervalue, even devalue , the importance of effort, and with serious consequences.
(7) And individual countries can no longer compensate for these rigidities by devaluing their currencies to boost exports, usually through the swift downward movement of interest rates.
(8) Ironically, increasing the number of sports devalues the worth of an Olympic medal.
(9) For most of the post-war world Britain had a declining currency, yet regular devaluations did nothing to reverse the country's long-term decline.
(10) Whatever rationalisations we give ourselves, we may justify our role as Instrument of Betrayal by devaluing the importance of the already existing bond.
(11) Royal Doulton's fine china - favoured by the royal family - was being stocked and sold in supermarkets, devaluing the company's premium brand.
(12) How does the share price devaluation and the downturn in sales affect Baltimore's acquisition strategy?
(13) In both cases, the real wage will not decline and a devaluation of the nominal exchange rate will not be effective.
(14) But it has a downside: one of them would lose, and Warren would have to decide whether it is worth devaluing one of his commodities to advance the other.
(15) It also claims that Scotland is developing an u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510anti-intellectual cultureu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that discourages people from learning and devalues the importance of creativity and creative thinking.
(16) He admitted that the big-name players had not really played a part in this year's competition, and that had devalued its worth in the eyes of the public.
(17) Logging companies can reduce their payments by devaluing the wood they log through a practice known as grade setting.
(18) Am I alone in feeling that this further devalues the achievement of being selected to play for your national team?
(19) It also devalues the achievement of the majority of poor minority kids, who struggle to live decent, law-abiding lives.
(20) In March 1995 the Spanish and Portuguese currencies were devalued by 7 and 3 per cent, respectively.