(1) An argument that is conclusive
(2) One of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the referents of noun phrases
(3) A determining or causal element or factor
(1) The Supreme Court of Florida, which is the ultimate determiner of Florida law, you know, literally they read the statute.
(2) It received mixed reviews, possibly because it is reasonable to focus upon the actors as the main determiner of success.
(3) The determiner of whether something should be legalised is surely u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510is it rightu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb?
(4) This new artistic trend has been publicized and sanctified by the great determiner of what's hot and who's who, the Whitney Biennial; by galleries across Canada and the US; and by the art sections in independent booksellers.
(5) The judge will be the final determiner and that is in November and our panel will assemble right after this.
(6) But there is a powerful class that looks upon Madurai's response as the determiner of the happenings elsewhere in the State.
(7) They are really acting like they are the sole determiner of American foreign policy.
(8) And the judge had an opportunity, as an independent determiner of facts, to determine whether or not she is in a persistent vegetative state.
(9) The second, almost a throwaway, notes that a rise in net income isn't the only determiner of whether you've moved up.
(10) However, it may be a legitimate determiner , since physical disability may stem from, but not be limited to, the following factors: birth defect, infirmity, malformation, disfigurement, illness or bodily injury.
(11) In this case, as in the many other peaks and valleys of economic history, B.C. was not sole determiner of its fate, nor is it likely to be in the future.
(12) Every noun phrase has a particular curve associated with it that is described by a lowering of pitch after the determiner and then a rise again after the noun.
(13) Todorov, Jauss and Culler all decentre the text (and by implication, I think, author intention) as the determiner of genre, and introduce the idea that genres are formed in relation to reader reception and expectation.
(14) You don't have, in your heart, a guiding determiner between what is right and wrong.
(15) The tribe should be the sole determiner of membership and the Supreme Court has upheld this setup.
(16) Your tension that you have outlined particularly was in terms of being that visible operational leader and determiner of the future in some ways, combined with - or as opposed to the general day-to-day perhaps running of the business.
(17) I'm no kind of expert on translation, but if they'd asked me, I would have been tempted to nominate some morphological category like inchoative, or some preposition or determiner .
(18) The idea that the determiner heads a noun phrase might seem counterintuitive to some readers.
(19) Hannah's words act as a determiner of Sula's defiance.
(20) In this intermediate period, especially indefinite determiners seem to be distributed in a quite clear cut way according to the specificity of the referents introduced by the respective noun phrases.