TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 15
<i>Oh, there was a funny detective show in India called Karamchand.</i>
আবিষ্কারক ব্যক্তি, গুপ্তচর, গোয়েন্দা-কাহিনী, গোয়েন্দা
(1) A police officer who investigates crimes.
(2) An investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public.
(3) Investigator of crime.
(1) As well as detective work, crime prevention is also a key priority.
(2) Detective work
(3) Chelmsford's new detective inspector has vowed to purge the town of criminals through a hard-line proactive attitude to crime.
(4) Criticism that police may have been slow in responding was rejected by detective inspector Watson.
(5) The Q car team will include an advanced driver, detective sergeant and a police constable.
(6) He said that from his past work as a detective sergeant for the Kennet district he knew the Marlborough area well.
(7) Even the detective inspector investigating Vera's case is sympathetic.
(8) It means that our police forces are hopelessly inept when it comes to applying detective work to modern communications.
(9) He was promoted to detective inspector last September, and latterly has been based at Keighley.
(10) The detective inspector looked at the other musicians as if he was thinking about having them searched.
(11) Jackson was sitting on the couch, watching some type of mystery detective crime fighting show.
(12) A Western Isles man has been appointed detective inspector for Orkney, Shetland, Caithness and Sutherland.
(13) It's a classic noir detective tale but as well as a crime to be solved there's a philosophical mystery in the making.
(14) He also telephoned a detective inspector and told him he was conducting a search.
(15) No, the only way to stop crime is good, old-fashioned detective work which seems to be lacking in our Police Service.
(16) However, I believe the police officers ought to do good detective work by observing.
(17) Since the mid-nineteenth century crime and detective fiction has been a prominent part of the output of all the dominant mass media.
(18) We like it here because you don't have to be a detective sergeant or a policeman.
(19) The detective sergeant told the court police also wished to question four other people who are in custody about this document.
(20) They focus more upon good old-fashioned detective work to solve the crime of the week.
private investigator
private detective
police detective
private eye
private dick
The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 15
<i>Oh, there was a funny detective show in India called Karamchand.</i>