TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 21
Help me out here. I can't afford another demerit.
অপূর্ণতা, ত্রুটি, অভাব, বিচু্যতি, খুঁত, দোষ
(1) A mark against a person for misconduct or failure; usually given in school or armed forces.
(2) The quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection.
(3) A mark against a person for misconduct or failure.
(4) Usually given in school or armed forces.
(5) Fault.
(1) Double demerit points for motorists caught speeding in 40 kph school zones was one suggestion put forward at a public forum last week.
(2) From midnight tonight until midnight Monday March 3, double demerit point infringements will be issued for those who fail to follow the rules.
(3) Governments continue to agonise about ways of reducing the road toll, through speeds, more police, double demerit points, more advertising.
(4) The amendment proposes to add 10 demerit points to that offence.
(5) Drink driving is a crime and is expensive (double fines and double demerit points).
(6) It has introduced the football equivalent of the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510double demerit pointsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb various states use as blatant revenue raisers over holiday periods.
(7) The contract between the parties establishes a behaviour policy and a demerit point system.
(8) Double demerit points for speeding and seatbelt offences will operate from December 19 to January 2.
(9) It was used, for example, when a pupil had received five demerit marks.
(10) Failure to supply the details of the driver is itself an offence which can result in the owner receiving demerit points or a disqualification.
(11) The double demerit point system is going to be evaluated by the Office of Road Safety not too far down the track.
(12) A further 81 drivers were booking for speeding, despite double demerit points.
(13) This, even with Australia's ubiquitous double demerit penalty that applies during any public holiday.
(14) The starting point of discussion is in the context of a broader discussion on the merits and demerits of the national tax system.
(15) Double demerits for speeding and seatbelt offences over the Easter period have been extended to 11 days to include the Anzac Day holiday weekend.
(16) Seriously though, we really are interested in publicising genuine examples of bias and all cases, left or right, will be dealt with fairly and on their journalistic merits or demerits .
(17) Instead, he surveys the answers and disagreements found in the vast literature of the subject, giving his own incisive judgment on the merits and demerits of the various authors concerned.
(18) Nobody in power dared a debate on the merits and demerits of computerisation in a vast country with millions and millions of unemployed youth.
(19) There are heated arguments about the merits and demerits of studying with the television set turned on, especially when it is examination time.
(20) To be fair I haven't ever been at a Compromise or International rules match so I can't really comment on its merits or demerits but I can offer an opinion.
The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 21
Help me out here. I can't afford another demerit.