গুল্ম, ঝাড়, ঝোপ
(1) Any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances
(2) Any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers
(3) Some contain extremely poisonous substances [also: delphinia (pl)]
(1) Seeds of most hardy perennials - including bleeding heart, butterfly weed, columbine, delphinium , liatris, and penstemon - require a period of chilling to germinate.
(2) Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large fieldstones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium , and hellebore among them.
(3) Fastening tall plants, such as crocosmia or delphinium , to stakes has never been an easy task.
(4) Around the barn a flagged terrace is encircled by cottage garden plants, such as delphiniums , rambling roses, geraniums, dianthus and lupins.
(5) The air flow discourages fungal diseases and, because it's slowed down by the trellis, is gentler on plants like delphiniums that can easily be snapped by a sudden gust of wind.
(6) Some flowers, such as delphiniums , keep their color better if dried quickly near sources of warm air such as a heater.
(7) I love plants in season - old roses are a summer favourite - and I've got delphiniums , pelargoniums, agapanthus, tulips, silver birch, to name a few.
(8) A few delphiniums or campanulas, for example, can turn a country bouquet into a work of art.
(9) In the greenhouse are growing delphiniums , various blue and white campanula and white agerathemums.
(10) Roses are beginning to bloom, delphiniums are tall and lupins dot the beds with their spikes of bright colour.
(11) The upper bed is mostly for perennials, including red-and-white columbines, purple blue campanulas, and tall blue delphiniums fronted by yellow and orange Iceland poppies.
(12) Other pricey plants that easily start from seed include delphiniums , foxgloves, black-eyed Susans, and coneflowers.
(13) Near the house, which bounds one side of the garden, she grows towering delphiniums and hollyhocks for their strong vertical interest.
(14) If I am diligent I can get an extra few weeks out of the delphiniums , foxgloves and monkshood by removing the spent blooms.
(15) Enjoy lobelia, lupins and delphiniums while you can.
(16) Near the back of that same border I have some very tall delphiniums and Aconitum.
(17) Put stakes and supports in place for tall, herbaceous plants, like peonies and delphiniums .
(18) Many other garden plants are also highly toxic, including rhubarb leaves, autumn crocuses, delphiniums , foxgloves and laburnum.
(19) Plants that may require staking to hold their blooms high include Canterbury bells, hollyhocks, and verbascums, with foxgloves and delphiniums in the upper garden zones.
(20) She uses all colors, but especially likes the bold blues of delphiniums and larkspur and the soft blue of Russian sage.