(1) Two teams of employees from Magnet were given just two days each to help fit a new kitchen and decorate the common room at the Robert Ogden School at Thurnscoe, near Barnsley.
(2) How can I paint or decorate her room to give it some color?
(3) Matched pairs of smaller tables and ornaments decorate each side, the objects on the left referring to the New Testament, and, to the right, the Old Testament.
(4) That's why we decided this year to really go to town and decorate the front of the house just to make it more memorable for her.
(5) This will be a festive occasion and it is hoped that the people of the town will decorate their windows and put out flowers and other symbols of welcome.
(6) I helped decorate a few rooms in my ex-girlfriends' house.
(7) So far they have only managed to decorate one-and-a-half rooms of the 21-room house they bought overlooking Kelvingrove Park last year.
(8) Another attractive alternative is to decorate short lengths of board with old tiles.
(9) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I wanted my husband to plant a big spruce so that at Christmas I could decorate it with lights,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she says.
(10) And just tell me when I will find the time to paint and decorate the house.
(11) They decorate the tree with lights and ornaments and then they place gifts under it.
(12) Now what you need from these fairs at this time of year are the traditional ornaments to decorate your house for the New Year.
(13) Well, the marble floors were white, and he had those silver ornaments, which decorated every inch of the apartment.
(14) Stars hung from the ceiling interwoven with fairy lights and glitter decorated every surface.
(15) Wirth served in World War One on the Western Front where he was decorated for bravery.
(16) The students were told to defend Paris and Lu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00abger was decorated for his bravery defending the capital.
(17) Nutgrove Park is decorated in warm colours and has a number of attractive features.
(18) The girls decorated them beautifully and when dried they can be used as candle holders.
(19) He was wounded and decorated for bravery in a vicious battle five days after the landings.
(20) These chests were beautifully decorated , at first mainly made of wood, with iron hinges, locks and strappings.