(1) It comes less than two weeks after the worst blackout in US history, a social disaster that had its roots in the decay of the electrical transmission grid.
(2) The old barn rapidly fell into decay
(3) Every sector of our society seems to be in moral decay .
(4) Institutional inertia, social customs, and psychological habit ensure that systems can maintain their outer shapes long after they have begun to decay internally.
(5) It is my conviction that the real reason that the Soviet Union collapsed was not economic ruin or systemic decay : it was cynicism.
(6) Fluoride heals small spots of decay
(7) The trapped radiocarbon begins to decay at a known rate
(8) Glass shattered on the pavement, all around are the signs of urban decay .
(9) The problems of urban decay
(10) In addition to slowing the decay of the tail currents at - 120 mV, there was a change in the relation of the second tail current to the first.
(11) Corn crown and root decay can weaken stalks and complicate harvest.
(12) He said people were the core of the defence capability today and in the future and if recruiting shortfalls and high loss rates were not addressed then Defence could decay to the point of irrelevance.
(13) He was very much aware of the inevitability of decay and death as a part of life, an idea that Dutch artists called u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Vanitas.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(14) If you notice black sooty fungus, brown or black spots of decay on leaves or flowers, or broken discoloration on leaves or stems of your orchids, they may be harboring a fungus, bacteria or virus.
(15) The home is still empty today, and has suffered considerable interior damage, including structural decay resulting from water leaks in the building.
(16) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Together let us find solutions to moral decay by jointly developing a strategy and a programme of action,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Masondo says.
(17) The gas radon is produced by the decay of uranium in rocks and soil
(18) Encased in iron or under glass, such relics were especially esteemed for their power to reverse the course of the body's eventual decay by effecting cures or allaying physical pain.
(19) The most common type of tooth damage is decay , caused by a combination of poor toothbrushing and a sugary diet.
(20) The sense of urban decay is much more evident and the chaos of the street is not balanced but overwhelming.