(1) Despicably cowardly
(2) Treacherously cowardly
(1) A despicable coward
(2) A malicious coward
(1) I had found the body underneath the floorboards, but I had yet to find the dastard that placed it there.
(2) You're one of those estate agent dastards - bumping up house prices beyond the reach of young working couples.
(3) Victor Fisher, on hand outside the hall, charged the dissenting delegates with being u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510 dastards and cowards, some of whomu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac were the paid agents of the enemy, and.., traitors not only to their country but to civilisation.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(4) Then, her mind was filled with an intense hate, a hate for the dastards that abducted her crewmates.
(5) The German player also seeks to reinsure the treaty by tying in the Swedish matter because he cannot rely on Russian compliance simply because the deal is good for both countries; that is, he must protect against fools as well as dastards .