TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 21
I trained Ricky to smoke. I can train him to shoot a dart.
বাণ, সহসা সবেগে ধাবন, কঙ্কপত্রর
উড়া, সহসা নির্গত করা
(1) A small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot
(2) A tapered tuck made in dressmaking
(3) A sudden quick movement
(1) Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart.
(2) Run or move very quickly or hastily.
(3) Move with sudden speed.
(4) Move along rapidly and lightly.
(5) Skim or dart.
(6) Race away; propel.
(1) In attacks between last Sunday, and Wednesday the tyres, on vehicles parked around Bedford, were pierced with a dart or syringe, without any apparent motive.
(2) Her whole nature seemed sharpened and intensified into a pure dart of hate.
(3) He didn't say anymore after that as in the next second, Yori blew her dart , the needle piercing the side of my neck.
(4) Third dart, I concentrated, gazed down that corridor of space separating the tip of my dart from the treble 20.
(5) The dart raced through the long chamber and barrel and plunged into Soor's chest, right in the middle of his ribcage.
(6) The cat made a dart for the door
(7) An unsteady hand raised to the offending body part, shaking fingers drawing up to pull the dart out of her flesh and the hood it had pierced through to reach her neck.
(8) Indeed, had he reversed the shafts and thrown flight first, the dart would still have buried itself to a depth of three inches: the dartboard never stood a chance.
(9) An angry red mark on his stomach displayed the area where the dart had pierced his armor and a purple bruise showcased where the plasma bolt had ricocheted.
(10) They perch on low shrubs or rocks, and dart out to grab prey from the air, the foliage, or the ground.
(11) But it turns out that snails don't incorporate the calcium in the dart into their bodies.
(12) Trigger had already fired a small dart into the back of his neck.
(13) A dart of panic
(14) When the final dart was thrown this season in the Friday Night Mickey Mouse Darts League, Mick's Place had won the league championship title.
(15) In those usually confident and bright eyes, there was a flickering dart of fear and fury.
(16) While he stood around gaping, Teddy fired his last dart and hit his final target square on.
(17) She reached back, pulled the dart out and threw it at the target, where it stuck tip buried completely in the bullseye.
(18) Press the dart toward the shoulder after stitching it.
(19) If you dart a giraffe and he falls over, the sort of force that would come from being 6 or 7 metres high and your head hitting the ground would crack the skull open.
(20) He told the Kiwi that a javelin was meant to be thrown like a dart , with the thrower required to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510palm it upu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb during the final thrust.
small arrow
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 21
I trained Ricky to smoke. I can train him to shoot a dart.