অসূয়া, সিনিকের মতবাদ, ঘৃণাপূর্ণ উক্তি
(1) A cynical feeling of distrust
(1) He is being driven mad by the all-pervasive cynicism of modern Britain.
(2) He has presided over a marked increase in public cynicism about politics without suffering significant damage to his own electoral prospects.
(3) Public cynicism about politics
(4) Personally however words like ' authentic ' are just to problematic to use without the necessary aura of cynicism .
(5) The way the trial was handled has increased cynicism among Malays.
(6) Most books with names like this one are inferior works filled with an ersatz cynicism that pales beside the real article.
(7) MH apparently is unaware of the depths of his own political cynicism .
(8) Failure to take meaningful account of the opinions of the people you canvass is a sure way to engender cynicism .
(9) The press, enjoying a freedom also long established in Dutch tradition, denounced the cynicism of the new Directory.
(10) He added to the widespread cynicism felt about Australian politicians.
(11) The incompetence, the lies, the bullying, the cynicism , the cover-ups.
(12) Your admitted cynicism is misplaced.
(13) Not all Mosteller's Bayesian suspicions, some of which verge on cynicism , have proved well founded.
(14) For The Book Show journalist Rachel Carbonell read Flat Earth News with a healthy dose of cynicism .
(15) The phenomenon which is denounced in culture criticism as cynicism , as cynical mass business, should be a new access to the soul.
(16) But today, the combination of American moralizing at home and cynicism abroad could severely harm relations between Europe and the United States.
(17) Their run to the top of the standings is cause for cynicism .
(18) Yet Rogers himself retained a healthy cynicism about the artistic merits of his brainchild.
(19) At the same time, there is still a degree of protective cynicism .
(20) Cynicism about the future