TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 10
A young boy on the cusp of manhood.
শিখর, চূড়া
(1) Point formed by two intersecting arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch
(2) A thin triangular flap of a heart valve
(3) Small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth
(1) The cusp has a curved anterior margin and the base is short.
(2) Burgon's right on a cusp : stodgy, well-built traditional orchestration on one hand, weirdo avant-garderies and period electronics on the other.
(3) He's a man who likes to contemplate the cusp between the realistic and the fanciful.
(4) The protoloph meets the base of the protocone, not the cusp itself.
(5) One of the annoying things about the indie world is having to be on the cusp of whatever is brand new.
(6) The pedal curve of the cissoid, when the pedal point is on the axis beyond the asymptote, at distance from the cusp four times that of the asymptote, is a cardioid.
(7) The second cusp is sometimes mistaken for an additional tooth.
(8) It teeters on the cusp of the Mediterranean, offering endless vistas of blue-green sea, bucketfuls of fresh air, and crumbling, salty buildings of the old town that still manage to retain their elegance.
(9) It is one of rapid change, on the cusp of something new, different, and exciting.
(10) The 5th house cusp is almost exactly conjunct your son's natal 4 degree Pisces sun, so it is clear he is signified in this chart.
(11) The disease saw him go from super-fit athletic to pain-racked and bloated from bouts of chemo and steroids; from a young man on the cusp of his grown-up life to someone doubting if he would ever see 30.
(12) He is also a black man coming-of-age on the cusp of two shockingly different decades, the 1950s and the 1960s.
(13) This good sense is shown by Saturn in Capricorn on the cusp of the 6th house opposing Sun-Venus in Cancer.
(14) This fashion conscious teenager, short fingernails perfectly painted in metallic baby blue, is a young girl but on the cusp of womanhood; a child still at the back of her own mind and absolutely so in the eyes of the law.
(15) It's not much used in modern astrology, to be honest, apart from as the cusp of the 7th house, the whole of the 7th house dealing with relationships.
(16) This is measured from the Northern or Southern cusp of the Moon in the direction of the unlit part of the Moon.
(17) They're on the cusp of changing the focus of society from the young to the old.
(18) Mars sits on the cusp of his 6th house of illness.
(19) It carries the simple and honest pleasure of infant laughter and the wonder of watching a new mind on the cusp of a profound understanding: things don't disappear when you can't see them.
(20) Virgo on your 7th house cusp indicates that you do want a long-term, stable partnership, with someone you can trust and remain faithful to.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 10
A young boy on the cusp of manhood.