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English to Bangla Meaning of cross - ক্রুশ

রোমানদের দণ্ডকাষ্ঠ, খ্রিস্টানদের ধর্মীয় প্রতীক, পরস্পর ছেদন, দুঃখদুর্দশা, প্রতারণা, অতিক্রম করা, সংকর উৎপাদন করা



ক্রুশ, বধকাষ্ঠ, রেখন, সঙ্কর, ক্লেশ


ক্রুশ দ্বারা চিহ্নিত করা, পারাপার করা, সংমিশ্রিত করা, পার হইয়া যাত্তয়া, পার হত্তয়া, তরা, লঙ্ঘন করা, হস্তক্ষেপ করা, ব্যর্থ করা




পাশাপাশি, খিট্খিটে

Definitions of cross in English


(1) Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis

(2) Annoyed and irritable

(3) Extending or lying across

(4) In a crosswise direction

(5) At right angles to the long axis

(6) Perversely irritable

(7) Very angry; in a bad mood


(1) A wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece.

(2) A marking that consists of lines that cross each other.

(3) A representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry.

(4) Any affliction that causes great suffering.

(5) (genetics.

(6) Marking consisting of crossing lines.

(7) A cross as an emblem of Christianity.

(8) Used in heraldry.

(9) An organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock.

(10) Especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species.

(11) (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varietiesof animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids.


(1) Travel across or pass over.

(2) Meet at a point.

(3) Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires.

(4) Fold so as to resemble a cross.

(5) To cover or extend over an area or time period.

(6) Meet and pass.

(7) Trace a line through or across.

(8) Breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties.

(9) Hinder or prevent (the efforts.

(10) plans.

(11) or desires) of.

(12) Traverse an area.

(13) Intersect.

(14) Lie across.

(15) Hybridize.

(16) Mix.

(17) Betray.

(18) Hinder.

Examples of cross in English

(1) Sincere faith and fortitude in the will of God gave him the strength to carry his cross .

(2) Incidentally I wasn't serious when I suggested we and our friends might cross North Dakota off our list of prospective holiday destinations this summer.

(3) His duties even called on him to be the first person to try out the cross for the Crucifixion scene.

(4) The former Rochdale man delivered a pin-point low cross for top-scorer Foster to turn home from close range.

(5) Covered only from waist down by white sheets, they evoked a cross between Greek statues and hospital patients.

(6) This feeling coupled with the feeling of guilt that they are in some way or fashion responsible for their charge's condition is indeed a difficult cross to bear.

(7) He added he was very cross and would stay mayor until the next council meeting on June 2 even if his brother returned wanting to take over office.

(8) Did they cross the bridge?

(9) It was a deep black and similar to a Christian cross, except that the top half of the cross had been intersected thrice more, each line smaller than the last.

(10) The driver couldn't get them open again so he was quite cross .

(11) The farm's herd is a cross between the indigenous Wagyu and another quality export from Scotland, the Aberdeen Angus.

(12) The cross of Christ, theologically speaking, was not an end in itself.

(13) Folks will be even cross er when they can't take a shower because your shortsighted bulldozing of environmental protections has dirtied most of the water and dried up the rest.

(14) Lately, he's taken to assailing university officials who dare to cross him on this explosive issue.

(15) As opposed to the resurrection, the cross symbolises crucifixion.

(16) If you really want to help, volunteer to make dinner or do laundry so Mom can cross a few things off her list.

(17) Orchestral life, at its best, is a cross between summer camp and labour camp.

(18) It's not like he gets extra attention for doing it - after all, I'm not then able to play with him while I go into repair mode yet again, and I end up feeling very cross and resentful.

(19) We promised to meet for coffee, and then suddenly, my station arrived and the train vomited me up onto the platform in a crowd of cross commuters.

(20) You had many a cross to carry but you carried on and helped me to carry my cross so many times.

synonyms of cross







crown of thorns




travel across








Antonyms of cross















TV series example of the word

It could be the Red Cross guy\Nor the pizza guy,�

Money Heist Season 1, Episode 5

It could be the Red Cross guy\Nor the pizza guy,

an adequate amount of time
to cross the street

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 23

an adequate amount of time to cross the street

We have to cross here.

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 1

We have to cross here.

Take the bridge and risk being
seen or cross the great water.

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 2

Take the bridge and risk being seen or cross the great water.

Who gave you permission to cross the
siege line and enter the castle?

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 8

Who gave you permission to cross the siege line and enter the castle?

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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