ক্ষুদ্র খেত
(1) A small farm worked by a crofter
(1) He revolutionised farming in Scotland in the 18th century, by compiling his famous Statistical Account of Scotland - a detailed survey of every farm and croft in the land.
(2) As I neared her croft I began to look for her across the fields, or by the stream, for I knew she often worked there as well.
(3) On the area of the croft land, there is also a further dilapidated farm building which could have the potential for residential conversion.
(4) I hear my first corncrake in a patch of irises by a roadside croft and spend a tantalising and unsuccessful half-hour trying to get a glimpse of it.
(5) She opened the croft gate, and the women filed in, one by one before us, and stood on the unploughed plots of the croft .
(6) In 1556 he bought a house and garden in the same street, and a house with a garden and croft (enclosed land) in the nearby Greenhill Street.
(7) They were originally described as fishermen who had a croft , compared with the Orcadians who were farmers who kept a fishing boat.
(8) Leek pottage was especially popular - but the crops used depended on what a peasant had grown in the croft around the side of his home.
(9) They moved to Skye with their children, fully intending to occupy a croft and work the land.
(10) There is a hackneyed witticism about crofts being little pieces of land surrounded by regulations.
(11) Moreover, the new legislation did little to make the crofts more viable, or to solve the problem of there being very few alternative sources of employment.
(12) His face is strangely timeless - schoolboy one moment, old Highland crofter the next.
(13) Any fisherman or crofter , any man or woman not yet severed from the old ethos, could say the same.
(14) Perhaps in the later Middle Ages, some crofts were combined into larger holdings, occasionally with barn or byre as well as a farmhouse.
(15) Farmers live on crofts , a term that refers both to their land and their family home.
(16) This wryly melancholic crofter is obviously attached to the island, rooted in the land he farms, but he has no romantic illusions.
(17) We need people on the crofts and on tenant farms to keep our countryside alive rather than allowing it to revert to desert status.
(18) The scheme aims to promote wildlife conservation on farms and crofts .
(19) Deer also cause damage to farms, crofts , forests and are a hazard on some of our roads.
(20) Scotland has a rich diversity of historic buildings, including castles, tower houses, crofts , steadings, Edwardian mansions and so on.