(1) All those moments with Crystal were driving him crazy .
(2) I'd never had the experience before of growing disenchanted with a girlfriend who I'd once been so crazy about.
(3) Michele is simply crazy to open her blog like this.
(4) He said that he u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510just went a little bit crazy , mental.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(5) One of my colleagues asked me, a few hours in to the working day, whether the dripping sound was driving me crazy .
(6) Nowadays, rampant adaptations of movies and TV series are driving me crazy .
(7) With a firm twist of her body, she got herself spiraling toward the ground at a crazy angle.
(8) No wonder some kids aren't so crazy about books.
(9) Most people thought Lincoln was crazy to fight a civil war where 620,000 people died in the North and South and the economy was destroyed.
(10) The installation went smoothly, but I'm getting these small reoccurring outages that are driving me crazy .
(11) I'm not crazy about buying Zack a truck, but I'm willing to go for it.
(12) With the technology that's come down, it is driving us crazy .
(13) About a year and a half after the marriage broke up, things started to get bad and I sort of lost itu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac I went crazy .
(14) He said his 34-year-old nephew was like a son to him, but u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510this stupid, foolish, crazy act of murderu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb has taken him away.
(15) Sweeping shots and crazy angles seem to add to the tense, built-up vibe the movie is trying to get across.
(16) This whole thing with Eric is driving me crazy , Heather.
(17) It seems totally crazy to have left a good job in NZ to come here to be together and then have to spend less time u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510togetheru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb than we did when I lived in NZ.
(18) So people thought we were crazy to be dancing on the middle of the road.
(19) Three other blocks are still standing although one is at a crazy angle.
(20) She just kinda looked at me as though I was crazy to think she would slide down that thing again.