(1) Tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly
(2) Small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster
(1) It's much more difficult to find a coloring book image of a crawdad than one would think.
(2) There is ambivalence about the shallows, the intermediary space between water and land, abode of pythons, crocodiles, crawdads , and mudfish, anomalous creatures that are as good for thought as they are to eat.
(3) Whether you know them as mudbugs, ditch bugs, river lobsters, crawlybottoms, crawdads , or crawfish, anyone who has spent time in streams is familiar with crayfish.
(4) Where I grew up in Ohio, we saw crawdads , or crayfish, in the culverted, sewage-scented ‘creeks’ and would no sooner eat one than we would kitty litter.
(5) Since my last visit, a pleasingly spicy Cajun seasoning had been added to the crawdads (a crustacean that looks like a tiny lobster).