(1) No data available
(1) After a while the heat from the cowpat thawed him out and he felt a little better.
(2) Apart from a lady who put her foot in a cowpat , the July walk was fairly uneventful.
(3) Because it doesn't stink as much after a time does not make it less a cowpat .
(4) Cattle provide an ideal method of transporting the plant because a single cowpat can hold 150 or more seeds.
(5) If it LOOKS like a cowpat, SMELLS like a cowpat … it ain't a quiche!
(6) We walked through his school, past women making those cowpat cakes for the fires.
(7) ‘It looks like a cowpat ,’ said the decorous Englishman who ordered it, ‘but it tastes good.’
(8) They were tricked a few times by pale cowpats , then Fleur found the first mushrooms.
(9) Fortunately, there was no one about to witness the sight of six fully kitted divers slipping and sliding through the cowpats .
(10) That's a chequered cloth spread on a grassy meadow, carefully arranged to avoid the cowpats .
(11) He headed out into the clear skies and cowpats of the country for inspiration.
(12) In the searing heat of the Mojave desert, cowpats quickly assume the texture and aerodynamics of Frisbees.
(13) The women built the houses from cowpats while the men looked after the herd.
(14) The road took a brief eastward swing inland, through flat dairy-farming country and the smell of sundried cowpats .
(15) Among the dodgy remedies are cowpats to draw boils, liquid paraffin to ease constipation and vinegar for almost everything.
(16) Still, there were some tricky cowpats to negotiate and weedy children to encourage.
(17) This Government has the perception that all farmers are just a bunch of cow-cockies knee deep in cowpats .
(18) There are complaints here among weekenders about cocks crowing in the early morning and cowpats on the road.
(19) Within two minutes, we were dodging cowpats through the country park.
(20) Sunday - Stood in a field while my female companion poked cowpats with sticks to look for dung beetles.