(1) The latter has been exceptional in midfield, fitting into a cosmopolitan midfield with an ease that has defied his tender years.
(2) With a master's degree from a British university and years of overseas experience, he is just the type of cosmopolitan go-getter to make it big in the emerging New Economy.
(3) The hundred million years and more of Pangean history saw a succession of cosmopolitan animal dynasties spread over the entire supercontinent.
(4) This incidentally was also a time of cosmopolitan brachiopod and fish distribution.
(5) Ally grabbed her cosmopolitan from Justin and took a sip of it, still waiting for Calvin to answer her.
(6) Both of the two speak good English, are very cosmopolitan and have had lots of exposure to Western culture.
(7) The environment in which it operates is so different, we're much more cosmopolitan and sophisticated.
(8) I remember my first time in Paris; I was inspired by the culture, the cuisine, the weather, the cosmopolitan feel to every little backroad bar and restaurant.
(9) I should define it as a cosmopolitan city, tolerant of different lifestyles, with a good quality environment and cultural activities.
(10) He has had a cosmopolitan existence and learned early on how to negotiate different cultures.
(11) Only about 13 per cent of the continental shelves were covered by the sea, probably as a result of the expansion of the ocean basins, and the marine faunas there seem to have been strongly cosmopolitan .
(12) The Australian culture and identity began to change, becoming more cosmopolitan from this point onward.
(13) It's almost as though we're seeing a mix of cinematic cultures to mirror the cosmopolitan nature of New York.
(14) Unfortunately, with more and more people moving into apartment blocks and embracing a fast-track cosmopolitan life, this practice is slowly being pushed into oblivion.
(15) It is dense because the map of the festival merely draws attention to what is already a dense, cosmopolitan music culture, known throughout the world as Chicago blues or urban blues.
(16) The career of Bernardo Bellotto argues for a more cosmopolitan image and the abiding strength of Italian centres of culture.
(17) It is required only that the other seem anomalous relative to our familiar subculture, however cosmopolitan that may be, in order to generate doubts and questions about what it is that makes him tick.
(18) Jan is an embodiment of a cosmopolitan culture.
(19) He had no time for nationalists; the well-travelled Carr was the true cosmopolitan among our senior composers.
(20) Sea urchins, like bivalve molluscs, are cosmopolitan in their distribution.