(1) Capable of being corrected or set right
(1) In all such cases, I will argue, political discrimination can be understood in terms of certain corrigible cognitive errors that characterize prereflective xenophobia.
(2) The reasoning of the founders of the UN was that the League had failed on account of flaws in its constitution which were identifiable and corrigible .
(3) It is always corrigible , subject to perpetual modification.
(4) But then all claims to knowledge about the physical world are corrigible , and we must reach provisional conclusions about them on the evidence available to us.
(5) Like a person or agent, it had to be corrigible : it had to be possible to deal with the u2018house-builderu2019 as one deals with oneself, for otherwise there would be no possibility of liberation.
(6) In fact, he used his supposed elephantine hide to conceal a gentleness and a forbearance that allowed corrigible error and a toughness that demanded quality at all times from the scientists he corrected.
(7) This means that knowledge is not only fallible but is also corrigible - it can be corrected by the same sorts of operations as discover errors.
(8) We can find support for structuralism within mathematics, even if the support is corrigible .
(9) Yet another aspect to look at when analyzing theories is corrigibility .
(10) It defends the general reliability, corrigibility , and progressiveness of empirical knowledge against relativism and skepticism.
(11) Without this, talk about the virtues of flexibility and corrigibility remains pointless.
(12) In support of his affirmation that preference claims can be rationally compared, he articulates the role of flexibility and corrigibility in decisions concerning technology control.
(13) Maintaining a theory in the face of anomalous data involves questions concerning the corrigibility of data, statements of initial conditions and their consequences, and the nature of predictions.