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(1) Call together
(1) Less than a hundred days into his pontificate, the new Pope John XXIII startled most of the world by announcing his intention to convoke an ecumenical council.
(2) It would be fitting that the church of Rome seek to convoke our hypothetical u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510pro-existenceu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb council - but it need not be so.
(3) The Assembly voted to suspend the monarchy and convoke a new body elected by manhood suffrage, the Convention, to draw up a republican constitution for the country.
(4) Between them, Henry and Wolsey bludgeoned the pope into granting Wolsey the rank of legate a latere for life, which meant that he became the superior ecclesiastical authority in England, and could convoke legatine synods.
(5) Unrest forced the military to convoke the Congress elected in 1980 and allow it to choose a new chief executive.
(6) This is what happened when the government gave in to the armed forces' demand to convoke a special meeting of the National Security Council.
(7) There is a serious proposal to convoke , under EU auspices, something like a European version of the Philadelphia convention of 1787.
(8) He also floated the idea of convoking a Grand National Assembly in order to change the constitution.
(9) This is why King Oswy chaired and arbitrated the discussions in Whitby, just as continental rulers habitually convoked and presided over ecclesiastical councils.
(10) On June 15 the organization convoked a meeting to which it invited u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510all those who feel concerned about the future of communism.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(11) He was convoking a secret paramilitary unit called the Third Force.
(12) The bishops met in the synods that were convoked from the second century onwards.
(13) As everyone keeps saying, elderly popes can surprise us all, as John XXIII did by convoking the reforming Second Vatican Council.
(14) There is a serious danger that, given a sufficient concatenation of crises, a full-scale revival of Fascism could be convoked .
(15) On 23 December 800 Charles convoked a council of prelates and nobles.
(16) In describing them, Tanner sets the context in which they were convoked and, in passing, describes and defines the nomenclature used in conciliar deliberations.
(17) In the early 1990s, nearly a score of African states responded by lifting restraints on political opposition and convoking competitive elections.
(18) It also participated in the first National Assembly of Consumers, convoked by the National Federation of Consumers, which was founded in 1969 under the aegis of the Francoist u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Movement.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(19) Several villages contested the payment by taking their case to the parlement, and other villages followed suit by convoking general assemblies, naming syndics to represent their interests, and refusing to pay the full amount.
(20) At one point, he was inspired to compare this gathering to those convoked by workers' movements a century ago.
call together