(1) Seeing himself on screen afterwards was pretty scary, though colleagues had been complimentary .
(2) I was starving this morning and the complimentary breakfast was much appreciated.
(3) In any case, the letters he received from editors when they returned his manuscripts were invariably complimentary about his prose.
(4) We have received some very complimentary remarks from our customers about the facilities and the services we offer.
(5) In exchange for volunteer services, the club would provide a complimentary match ticket for any area of the ground for every game.
(6) There are blogs that block opposing views and post opinions only complimentary to the subject at hand.
(7) I want to make a comment about my colleague Simon Power, who was so complimentary of the rest of us here tonight.
(8) The comments from the young whipper snappers were less than complimentary .
(9) A complimentary gift basket will be delivered to you in appreciation for the time taken to complete the survey.
(10) Here, guests can enjoy a variety of reading materials and complimentary refreshments.
(11) Enjoy a feast of bistro food and one complimentary beverage.
(12) A complimentary copy will automatically be sent to everyone leaving behind an e-mail address.
(13) We hadn't even ordered when the waiter brought us complimentary glasses of decent champagne.
(14) Most theaters offer complimentary tickets if you review their show for the paper.
(15) You will get a complimentary bottle of California wine and your service charge is waived in the Traveler.
(16) Except for complimentary remarks about the food, little was said during the meal.
(17) Hope you don't mind, but my comments range from the highly complimentary to severe criticism.
(18) They read it at tempo, at sight and were very complimentary about the arrangement.
(19) At most, I could get a complimentary bottle of wine, but inspiration came free, he said.
(20) Even the odd complimentary remark can annoy me a little.