(1) A further complication would be the question of the ownership of the intellectual property.
(2) Keeping him fed, his clothes clean, and his medications filled added complication , as did driving him to doctors and therapists.
(3) Another complication is that current computer capabilities present a difficulty between users and the music software developers.
(4) If you want to take things further you can, but it adds a little extra complication to the proceedings.
(5) He is 26, in his playing prime and past those kid years that can bring on-ice inconsistency and off-ice complication .
(6) Myocarditis may develop as a complication of an infectious disease, usually caused by a virus.
(7) The standard setting seemed fine on all occasions, so the end result is complication and rather inconsistent responses.
(8) To add further complication, English-speakers use a different name
(9) It was a happy complication but a complication nonetheless.
(10) The fact that we had to walk half a mile through a near frozen pasture to reach the shed where Peanuts had been ensconced with mountains of hay and a trough of fresh water added another layer of complication .
(11) But interoperability adds a layer of complication to the job of getting a good specification.
(12) Pneumothorax is a common complication of pulmonary disease or injury.
(13) This process adds algebraic complication , and it is full of opportunities for errors in principle and in calculation.
(14) An incorrect touchdown speed leads to a bounced landing that adds complication .
(15) I don't think there wasn't much complication in this case.
(16) Simplicity means freedom from complication , from guile - but this freedom is possible only through reduction, submission, exclusion and control.
(17) Of course, the immediate step is to embrace the sport of complication with academic fervour.
(18) The rising full moon and twilight atmosphere speak of the tranquility of a natural world far away from the machinery and complication of modern life.
(19) Hypertension is a common complication of pregnancy that may have serious consequences to the mother and fetus.
(20) How is it different from the AI in a typical shooter, and how much complication did these differences add?