(1) A stock or supply of foods
(1) Their business was still overshadowed by private arrangements between individuals, and the commissariat was to hold sway in foreign exchange dealings until the 1830s.
(2) After Trotsky's departure from the war commissariat in 1925, the army was reduced to under 600,000 men, with a strong cavalry element.
(3) In some armies the commissariat is synonymous with quarter master, but others have divided the duty of supplying food to the troops between the two offices.
(4) I also ate at the American commissariat , now a huge canteen for soldiers.
(5) The direct selection of volunteers for The Reserves may be entrusted to preliminary selection centers, which should be organic divisions of military commissariats .
(6) Then, in the mid-1930s, the People's Commissariat for the Defense Industry was established which was subsequently, under the January 11, 1939 decree of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium, divided up into five separate commissariats .
(7) Thus, after a series of reorganizations, the Soviet military industry entered the Great Patriotic War with branch commissariats whose enterprises, in the prewar period, created many new weapons for the future victory.
(8) As regards the mobilization of transport vehicles, the weakest link here today is ensuring their timely delivery to the assembly points of military commissariats and especially their roadworthiness and readiness for service.
(9) He has made good use of other archival materials as well, including the papers of the commissariats of justice and health.
(10) A streamlined system should be created in cooperation with the military commissariats and educational agencies, enabling young men liable to conscription to learn the basics of military service and up their athletic skills.