(1) Capable of being measured by a common standard
(2) Able to be measured by a common standard
(1) The aim of Book X is to investigate the commensurable and the incommensurable, the rational and irrational continuous quantities.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(2) In this he discussed whether the celestial motions are commensurable or, expressed another way, is there a basic time interval so that the day, month, and year are all exact integer multiples of it.
(3) There is a principle which says that the level of opposing forces should be commensurable .
(4) Value as a structure of signification thus radically changes the way we compare things by making commodities commensurable , despite their qualitative differences.
(5) Modern utilitarians are right to insist that utility is not reducible to pleasure, and that not all kinds of utility are measurable or commensurable , and that it is not always appropriate even to try to measure these utilities.
(6) It is through exchange that non-identical individuals and performances become commensurable and identical.
(7) Most of the complications are not commensurable and their weighting is often determined by ideological preferences.
(8) As far as dogs are concerned the interesting thing to me about dogs is that it's always been said that the dingo has a commensurable relationship with Aborigines.
(9) Words and their meanings are not entirely commensurable .
(10) Where the experience of women and men is commensurable , women are granted access to human rights in the same way as men.
(11) Other than value counted in units of money, there's no commensurable way of talking about it.
(12) The modest role that Germany has imposed upon itself, he emphasised, was not commensurable with its position in Europe and the world.
(13) Opening up the aesthetic possibilities for translation raised the problem, however, of determining which style might be best suited to making a translation commensurable in its effects to its original.
(14) But the Human Rights Act has also done an excellent job of promoting the idea that individual rights can be negotiated, because they are commensurable with other considerations.
(15) Dehn had studied the squaring problem in 1903 and proved that a rectangle can be squared if and only if its sides are commensurable and that if it can be squared then there are infinitely many perfect squarings.
(16) Book five lays out the work of Eudoxus on proportion applied to commensurable and incommensurable magnitudes.
(17) Why do people say you cannot compare things, that they are incommensurable, when they are so obviously comparable or commensurable ?
(18) Are these two instances of Dewey's intellectual character really so commensurable ?
(19) They encouraged practices and beliefs that were commensurable with a disenchanted outlook.
(20) Because socialists demand the maximum freedom for individuals commensurable with the freedom of all.