(1) Any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria
(2) Any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria [also: cocci (pl)]
(1) A gram-positive coccus was isolated from the bone marrow of a 5-year-old patient with leukemia.
(2) Pathologic examination of the specimen revealed an organizing abscess with numerous bacterial cocci .
(3) This suggests that the coccal bacteria are capable of secreting both cellulase for dissolving the cellulose of the margo-fibrils and pectinase for dissolving the pectin-rich tori.
(4) The elongation phase of growth distinguishes bacilli from cocci , which grow and divide by pure septation.
(5) Penicillin kills most gram negative cocci that cause gonorrhea and epidemic spinal meningitis.
(6) The waters contain an abundant, but low diversity, microbial population of thermophilic filamentous and coccoid bacteria.
(7) Major and limb-threatening infections may involve aerobic gram positive cocci , gram negative bacilli, anaerobes, and enterococci.
(8) Scanning electron microscopy revealed coccal microorganisms surrounded by mucopolysaccharides consistent with a biofiolm.
(9) Examination of the sinters by scanning electron microscopy confirms that they are laminated and contain an abundant, low-diversity assemblage of filamentous, bacilliform, and coccoid microbes.