(1) In the shop he asked a clerk what a good present would be for a friend.
(2) Seraph signed the paperwork for the clerk to bill her bank account, having nowhere near the amount in ready cash, and they prepared to take the bed to the apartment.
(3) The clerk of the court had made the following entries in his log.
(4) For a bank clerk , hairdresser, or singer, the manner in which the service is produced is an essential element of the total promotion of the service.
(5) When I finally found an adult in the crowd, she directed me to Susan, the clerk of the church u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510session.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(9) A Croatian bank robber was so humiliated that he ran away after a bank clerk just laughed at him when he tried to rob them.
(10) She was also clerk of Little Ouseburn parish council for 27 years.
(11) When I was 18 a 7-11 clerk refused to sell me food telling me I was too fat to eat.
(13) It appears from an affidavit by the court clerk that two cases were scheduled for hearing that day, including the case which is the subject of this application for judicial review.
(14) Before going to school George was also taught by the clerk in his father's parish in Skreen.
(15) Jean, a young man who works as a bank clerk , is invited to the casino by a friend and promptly wins big at roulette.
(16) An older woman in Florida asked the clerk in her gun shop to show her how to lock open the Kahr P9 she bought there.
(17) The shop clerk , however, was unable to sleep at all.
(18) Now a lay clerk in Worcester Cathedral, he also conducts and tours his own chamber choir.
(19) He presented the photo-card and a partially-completed withdrawal slip for u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25514,800 to a bank clerk , who became suspicious.
(20) This was about the clerk of that parish, whose wife used to wash the parson's surplices.