(1) No data available
(2) Someone who claims a benefit or right or title
(3) Petitioner
(1) I must do the best I can to be fair to both the claimant and the defendant on the evidence that is before me.
(2) The second condition is that the agreement causes damage to the particular claimant .
(3) There was in fact no evidence of malicious attack by any third party, let alone the claimant .
(4) The Court of Appeal reversed the trial judge and gave judgment for the claimant .
(5) The defendant does not contend that the claimant elected to affirm the contract.
(6) It was as if the claimant 's complaint had been without any merit at all, as if it had been contrived.
(7) The judge rejected all three complaints, and the claimant then appealed to this court.
(8) The claimant 's complaint is that what he is permitted by the hospital does not go far enough.
(9) It is accepted by the claimant that the defendant has a right of way for residential purposes.
(10) All claimants claim that there was a conspiracy by the defendants to injure them by unlawful means.
(11) The claimants and the defendants produced differing translations of the clause.
(12) He sold the land to the claimants and they granted him in return a rent-free life tenancy.
(13) The claimants ' solicitors will then forward a file of the submissions to my clerk.
(14) The claimants denied any breach of their obligations and sought declarations to that effect.
(15) Nor have I forgotten that little if any disclosure was made by the claimants on this topic.
(16) I have held against the claimants on each of the four grounds advanced before me.
(17) Each case will turn on its own facts but in my view the claimants are more likely to succeed than the defendants.
(18) If the builders had never built the dairy of course the claimants could not have complained.
(19) The claimants were represented by prominent leading counsel and three juniors.
(20) Both the claimants and the defendants are in business for the purpose of making a profit.