(1) It has also decided to spend a chunk of its capital spending allowance on repaying its u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551190 million debt, which started to build up in the 1960s.
(2) These phrases are the building blocks of language, and we naturally chunk sentences into phrase blocks just as we chunk visual images into objects.
(3) He also attributes a chunk of his creativity to his mom, who took Paul scavenging for vintage goods and bought him his first sewing machine.
(4) You might also seek out funds in which the managers have invested a large chunk of their own money.
(5) Fuel takes a large chunk of their small income
(6) I was flung out of control, and was narrowly missed a huge chunk of rock.
(7) In addition to chunking time, historians also need to chunk space, focusing on specific areas of the world as well as on specific periods.
(8) Did we trust Brown and Roberts when they came in here and took a big chunk of that money?
(9) The DJ spent a sizeable chunk of his three-hour morning slot yesterday talking about the size of his hangover.
(10) I just need a chunk of time to write up a detailed review.
(11) Even before households decide what to do with their federal tax breaks, cash-strapped states and localities are claiming a chunk of that change.
(12) Chunk four pounds of pears
(13) Talking of which, I'm heading to Athens at the crack of dawn to get a first look at preparations for the Athens Olympics, where I'll be spending a chunk of my Summer.
(14) A chunk of the cash has already been ear-marked for continuing work on updating the West Coast main line along with cross city links in Edinburgh and a new rail service to Glasgow Airport.
(15) Michael has given them a chunk of capital amounting to about u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551500,000 between them.
(16) As expected, band practice takes up a nice, hefty chunk of their time.
(17) As part of the deal, the Rangers syndicate got a sizable chunk of land in addition to the stadium.
(18) Rail enthusiasts with a cool u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25511.5m to spare could find themselves owning their own railway - as well as a chunk of steam history.
(19) His divorce settlement took a sizeable chunk out of his fortune.
(20) She invested a chunk of her inheritance in the stock market